Director Abbas Mastan's latest Bollywood movie Players has made a working beginning at the Box Office. Abhishek Bachchan starrer film, which hit the screens across India on last Friday, has raked in Rs 15.05 crores nett at the collection centres in the first weekend.
Players, which has been made with a whopping budget of Rs. 45 crores, started on a disappointing note with its occupancy ranging between 20% to 30% on Friday. The film scored Rs. 4.7 crores at the Box Office on the first day. Its collection was expected to improve on Saturday, but it declined with it gross Rs. 4.65 crores. The movie showed a jump in the business with its earning Rs. 5.7 crores on Sunday.
However, Players is a multi-starrer movie that boasts of featuring big actors like Abhishek Bachchan, Bobby Deol, Neil Nitin Mukesh, Sonam Kapoor and Bipasha Basu. The action thriller had lot of promotional activities before its release. The makers of the film had expected it to get huge opening at the Box Office, but the collection of three days disappointed them.
Players, which has been made with a whopping budget of Rs. 45 crores, started on a disappointing note with its occupancy ranging between 20% to 30% on Friday. The film scored Rs. 4.7 crores at the Box Office on the first day. Its collection was expected to improve on Saturday, but it declined with it gross Rs. 4.65 crores. The movie showed a jump in the business with its earning Rs. 5.7 crores on Sunday.
However, Players is a multi-starrer movie that boasts of featuring big actors like Abhishek Bachchan, Bobby Deol, Neil Nitin Mukesh, Sonam Kapoor and Bipasha Basu. The action thriller had lot of promotional activities before its release. The makers of the film had expected it to get huge opening at the Box Office, but the collection of three days disappointed them.
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